
The developers (included the future you) that are going to use the custom command could be helped with some autosuggestions. How could we leverage VS Code Intellisense to document our custom command?

We need to use a TypeScript definition file to add them, you just need to:

  • create an index.d.ts file into the cypress/support/signup directory (where the signup-v1.js file is)

  • add the typing itself. We are not going to speak about TypeScript itself, just take a look at the result in terms of the file itself

File: cypress/support/signup/index.d.ts

/// <reference types="Cypress" />

declare namespace Cypress {
  interface Chainable<Subject> {
     * Register a new user
     * @example
     * cy.signupv1()
     * cy.signupv1({email: "foo[AT]", username: "Foo", password: "ar"})
     * cy.signupv1().then(user => { ... })
    signupV1(user?: {
      email?: string;
      username?: string;
      password?: string;
    }): Chainable<{
      email: string;
      username: string;
      password: string;

     * Register a new user or leverage the previously registered one (if possible)
     * @example
     * cy.signupv3()
     * cy.signupv3({email: "foo[AT]", username: "Foo", password: "ar"})
     * cy.signupv3().then(user => { ... })
     * @example
     * // the second call with the same (or empty) user data gets the user authenticated without
     * // registering a new one
     * cy.signupv3()
     * cy.signupv3() // the user will not be registered twice
     * cy.signupv3({ignoreLocalStorage: true}) // force the user be registered
     * cy.signupv3({email: "foo[AT]", username: "Foo", password: "ar"})
     * cy.signupv3({email: "foo[AT]", username: "Foo", password: "ar"}) // the user will not be registered twice
     * cy.signupv3({email: "foo[AT]", username: "Foo", password: "ar"}, ignoreLocalStorage: true) // force the user be registered
    signupV3(user?: {
      email?: string;
      username?: string;
      password?: string;
      ignoreLocalStorage?: boolean = false;
    }): Chainable<{
      email: string;
      username: string;
      password: string;

and the hints that it gives you while coding your test:




TypeScript can do more than documenting your function utilities, but for the sake of our goal just remember that:

  • almost every Cypress command must be defined into the namespace Cypress block
declare namespace Cypress {
  interface Chainable<Subject> {
    // ...
  • the question marks before the type definition make the variable optional (you are not forced to pass the user data to the custom command)
signupV1(user?: {
  email?: string;
  username?: string;
  password?: string;
  • the commands chained after the cy.signupV1 command are going to receive the registered user details, that's why the return type of the function is
  email: string;
  username: string;
  password: string;

Author: Stefano Magni

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