The first E2E test: signup
There is a lot to tell and care when writing E2E tests, we are goign to use one of the most famous examples: the signup flow. Testing this kind of flow is useful because:
it fills a form
it contains an AJAX request
it contains some error flows to be tested
most of the flows need a registered user
Please note: you need to have the RealWorld example running, be sure that you have $ npm run realworld:start
running (if something does not work, take a look at the installation instructions).
If you want to test the signup flow we need:
to identify the HTML elements we need to interact with
to be sure that the test always pass, regardless of the user we are registering already exists or not
to create a simplified and fast version of the whole signup flow, other tests will need a registered user too
Let's face them one by one in the next chapters.
Author: Stefano Magni